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That boat has sailed!

As I finished a phone call with one of the teachers I support in my role as a technology integration specialist, I became despondent.I had received an email from this teacher asking for help in changing a single setting in an application they were using in their classroom. Not knowing the answer myself, I copied the question (verbatim) from their email, pasted it into the Google search bar and pressed enter. The first result returned by the search linked directly to a downloadable .PDF file that gave explicit step-by-step instructions on how to change the setting. I copied the link to the .PDF file into the return email and pressed send. Two more emails and a phone call later the teacher had finally managed to change the setting and I was beginning to wonder.In this day and age, in this profession, this sort of support should not be needed for a teacher. In this day and age teachers should be able to do this sort of learning themselves! This is the sort of learning teachers should be modeling to their students, expecting of their students and commending their students for being successful at.The days of saying, "I'm no good with technology" are gone. That boat has sailed.