Routines and Inspiration

With the start of a new calendar year, I have successfully avoided the regular "new years resolution" in as much as I have refused to declare a New Year's Resolution as having been made. It is just too easy to let it slip. Now that's not to say I haven't made some changes.Routine and my search for inspiration is where I have decided things need a shake up. And rather than pinning them on a resolution arbitrarily tagged to a random day of the year, I have thought it a better strategy to pin it on the goal. Get fit and develop a routine that gives me time to think and get inspired at the start of the day.So I have started walking each morning and using the fantastic exercise machines along the walking path whilst listening to podcasts from other folks in education.And what a difference it is making. Exercise, fresh air (this morning it was a very fresh -2˚C!) and pondering the conversations of other educational professionals.When I first began, the 5am "get up and get dressed" was exceedingly difficult. Now, only two weeks in, I can't wait to get out!


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Doctors and Teachers and Old Tools